Roughly 30 years ago, a group of like-minded parents garrisoned a team to implement the University Model School in Arlington, Texas. Thanks to these pioneer, more families can now enjoy the growth and benefits of this education model. University Model School… It sounds interesting, academic, but what does that mean exactly?
The University Model School® (<– it’s Trademarked)
Our educational model offera rigorous academics with the unique schedule of limited hours on-campus. This allows parents to spend more time at home to impart their own values and beliefs onto their children. Adolesco Prep, like other U-M® Schools, exist to reinforce these values and beliefs. A few modes of partnering with parents include morning assembly, curriculum that honors God and His Word, a low student-teacher ratio that promotes discipleship and in general, through family ministry support. Yes, Adolesco Prep is a school but first we are a family ministry.
Academics is the portal in which we minister to families. The University Model allows Adolesco to best accomplish our greater goal.
More than a University Model School
Our mission, as a family ministry, is to partner with parents. Together we raise their children to love God and pursue relationship with Him so that when they reach adulthood, their faith is more than the rule of the house. When children grow out of the house, faith must be a meaningful priority in their own lives.

This semester we have a few specific events designed to empower parents to lead their children well at home.
1. We offer a book club every semester that touches on our current ministry focus. This year we are emphasizing ministry within the home as a part of our Discipleship@Home program. Right now, our Head of School leads a weekly book club for parents and grandparents to discuss “Family-Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God” by Voddie Baucham. This book study is one of the ways in which we encourage parents to have a stronger and more significant role as disciple-makers in their own homes and teach them what this looks like practically.
2. In February, we are hosting a Parents Night Out where we will provide dinner, childcare, and fellowship. Most importantly, a speaker duo will minister to our parents on the importance of a healthy marriage, why that is a pillar for Discipleship@Home, and how they have successfully remained one in Christ over the last 4 decades. Stay tuned for more details.
As you can see, Adolesco Prep is University Model School for far more than imparting knowledge. We hope to guide parents to become a more substantial part in their children’s spiritual growth.
What this means?
If you want to learn more about how you and your family can be part of this minisitry, we invite you to attend an Informational Meeting.
If you know of others who would benefit, please share this post.
And finally, we humbly ask to join us in prayer, so our family ministry efforts would be effective this year.